Salt & Light


Hippocrates once said that all disease begins in the gut. And the more I study it, the more I see how ahead of his time he truly was. While not all disease begins in the gut, a host of chronic illnesses can be traced back to beginnings in your belly. Here’s a powerful way to […]

Gut Health: Its Role in Chronic Inflammation, Fermented Foods & Healing Supplements

In my last post, I caught you up to speed on the concept of epigenetics and why the food you eat gives you the keys to editing those undesirable genes. So you’re probably wondering what to do with this information, and how to practically leverage this good news? Or maybe you skipped the back story […]

What to Eat to Influence Your Genes

If I told you that in every disease, these 3 factors must be present for it to develop, which 2 would you say you have control over? Genetic predisposition Chronic systemic inflammation A triggering event If you chose 2 and 3, keep reading. You have more say in number 1 than you may have thought.  […]

Epigenetics Are Key For Disease Prevention

Just a few things have changed since the last time I was actively sharing on Within Provisions. Some exciting, some hard, some just plain unexpected. And while I know you’re dying for a play-by-play of the last two years, I’ll give you the highlights before getting to a little news of an exciting new chapter […]

What’s New For Within

I work for a marketing agency. But not just any agency… one that exclusively serves fresh produce brands. We’re the most eclectic group you’ve ever met, and we all love food. All kinds, but especially fresh food. Our tagline is “we believe in the good of food that is grown,” and we’ve all chosen to […]

A Labor of Love

The only thing more exciting than waking up on Christmas morning is waking up to the smell of something sweet and spiced on Christmas morning. If the comfort of being home with family and the anticipation of the “magic” that happens every night before Christmas was an aroma, it would be this. I’m not much […]

Mulled Spice Overnight French Toast Bake

Let’s be real for second… 90% of my meals aren’t as cohesive or pretty as the ones I post on my blog. As a master’s student with a full-time job, commuting, singing at church, maintaining friendships and carving out time to work out and spend time with the Lord, can I get a loud “ain’t […]

15 Tips to Master Meal Prep

Indulging in a Healthy Lifestyle This past weekend, I experienced New York for the first time. And somewhere between the bagels and charcoal lattes I came to realize something. Our human brains LOVE labels. They are crucial to helping us understand and identify things. You look at the label on the back of your food […]

Indulging in a Healthy Lifestyle

A Guide to My Second Home(s) Really odd but true fact about me- I LOVE grocery stores. My dad jokes that I might as well have my paycheck direct-deposited to Whole Foods. I credit this to the fact that I grew up with only a Walmart within about 30 miles of where I lived. It […]

A Guide to My Second Home(s)

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” We are often asked this question when we are young, and we respond with something dreamlike, and usually impossible. We are asked again when we get a bit older, and probably respond differently with a slightly more “mature” answer than “ballerina astronaut”. But then we […]

A New Answer to an Old Question